Step 1. Click here to Upgrade In Desktop wallet

+ Run it

P/s: when some pop-up windows display in install process just click OK and wait. After install in case balance show 0 please restart wallet to show full balance

Make sure  desktop wallet are fully synced

In the GUI wallet. Check for the check-mark in the bottom right of the wallet

Step 2. Upgrade In SmartNode Server

+ For Windows follow this guide 

+ For other Linux ( Centos, Fedora, Redhat, ...) follow this guide 

Make sure your wallet are updated and fully synced

protocolversion: 90031 mean you are in latest wallet version

blocks: must be the latest block heigh

Step 3. Go to desktop wallet Start alias again 

Step 4. Check status in VPS

smartcash-cli smartnode status

when you see 

"status": "Smartnode successfully started"

it mean you had upgrade successful 

Good Luck!

Still have trouble and need help please to to