Date: July 25, 2018

SmartPay Guide v1.0

Author: yoyomonkey/stirred


Business SmartPay Account Creation.

Turn Mobile Device into a SmartPay Device.

Accepting SmartCash with SmartPay.

Business SmartPay Account Creation

1. Visit in your preferred web browser.

2. Click on Sign Up

3. Fill in your business details.
  • Please Note:  The password has to be a minimum of 25 characters long.
  • The generate icon can generate a random password for you.
  • Please make a copy of the password and keep it safe.
  • Once all details have been completed click “Next”.

4. Payment Details.
  • Select the type of wallet and generate the recovery passphrase and keys.
  • Copy and save this information in a safe place.
  • Click “Next” once you have backed up all information.

5. Check that all data saved in the previous step matches the data listed in the agreement.
  • If you agree to the terms and conditions as well as having a backup of the wallet keys click “Register” to continue.
  • Once completed you will be asked to verify your registered e-mail address.

6. Check for an Activation e-mail from SmartCash and activate the account.

7. After Activating your account and logging in to site. The first step in using SmartPay is creating a location where you will accept SmartCash.
  • Click “Add New Location”

8. Create your first Business Location by entering in the premises details.

9. Click on the settings  
and click on “Authorization Secret”.

10. The “Authorization Secret” created can now be scanned in by your SmartPay payment device.


Turn Mobile Device into a SmartPay Device

1. With your mobile device go to the Google Play Store
  • Search for “SmartPay App”
  • Install the SmartPay App by selecting the Install Button.

2. When the App has finished installing you can select open or open the App from the Apps Menu.

3. When you open the SmartPay app for the you will be created with the “Request Payment” Screen.
  • First time users will need to add their location first.
  • Select “Request Payment” to be taken to the “Add Location”.

Accepting SmartCash with SmartPay

1. Open the SmartPay app from your Device.

2. When you open the SmartPay app for the you will be created with the “Request Payment” Screen.
  • First time users will need to add their location first.
  • Select “Request Payment” to be taken to the “Add Location”.

3. Select Location QR and using the devices camera, scan the Authorisation QR Code you created at Step 14 of “Create a SmartPay Account”.
  • Successfully scanning in the QR code will bring you back to the “Request Payment” screen.
  •    Click on Request Payment Button.

4. On the payment page enter in the sale amount and  select “QR code”.

5. Hand the device to the customer, ask to verify the amount at the top of the screen. The customer can then follow the onscreen instructions where they scan the QR Code on the reverse of the SmartCard to make payment.
  • Once the card successfully scanned the customer will again be shown the final amount they will be charged and will be asked to enter their pin.
  • (Please Note: For security reasons the Numeric Pin Pad will be in a random order.)
6. Once the customer has entered the correct PIN, payment will be processed.

7. Once the payment as been approved the transaction will appear in your SmartPay account.

Read more here