With your SmartCash wallet closed place .bat file in the folder also containing your smartcash-qt.exe file and run the .bat file. (This will start smartcash-qt.exe with the desired -flag)

1. Rescan Tx's .bat

rescan blockchain file for missing wallet transaction

in Windows

smartcash-qt.exe -rescan

in Macs 

cd /Applications/Smartcash-Qt.app/Contents/MacOS
./Smartcash-Qt -rescan

2. Salvage Wallet .bat

Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.dat 

In Windows run this 

smartcash-qt.exe -salvagewallet

In MacOs

1. Open Terminal program

2. Run this in Terminal 

cd /Applications/Smartcash-Qt.app/Contents/MacOS
./Smartcash-Qt -salvagewallet

3. Zap Wallet Tx's .bat

smartcash-qt.exe -testnet -zaptransactionfixes

3.1 Recover transactions from blockchain (keep meta-data, e.g account owner )

open smartcash.conf and add this rows


Start wallet 

3.2Recover transactions from blockchain (drop meta-data, e.g account owner )

open smartcash.conf and add this rows


Start wallet 

4. Reindex Chainstate .bat

Rebuild blockchain index from current files blk000??.dat files

In Linux run this

 ./smartcashd -reindex

In Windows run this

smartcash-qt.exe -reindex

In MacOs

1. Open Terminal program

2. Run this in Terminal 

cd /Applications/Smartcash-Qt.app/Contents/MacOS
./Smartcash-Qt -reindex