Today I am going to show you how to setup and configure mining for SmartCash. I will try to keep the tutorial as simple and as detailed as possible so that newbies will be able to follow. You may also contact me at Discord @hoangton#6301
SmartCash (Smart) is very similar to bitcoin in terms of use and function. SmartCash is digital currency that can be used to purchase goods and services similar to bitcoin. It has value in the world market and currently trading in, Hitbtc Coinexchange ... and more here
- Mining software: GPU mining CCminer and SGminer or dual minning Claymore 11
- Web browser with internet
- Powerful CPU (for CPU mining) or powerful GPU ( GPU mining)
- 7-Zip compression program
- SmartCash Wallet (if you don’t have one you may read my tutorial on how to make one.)
Step 1: Choose Mining Pool
The first thing we would like to do is to Choose mining pool. To do this we have to go to this site to choose the geographical location of the mining pool we like to be a part of. Please note that this is not permanent and you can change your mining pool or setup another mining pool if need be. In this tutorial I will be setting it up for the Asia mining pool of SmartCash. Setting up for the mining pools are the same for all pools you just have to change the pool address. Let us start by going to this website to choose our mining pool.
I will be setting up a mining for Asia since that is my geographical location. You may choose other locations just make sure that you change the mining pool address. No need to worry setup of the different geographical mining pools are the same.
Once we choose the Asia mining pool it should bring us to the website. Once there it will show you a quick guide on how to setup the miner.
Step 2: Download the CPU and GPU mining softwares
Now configure our mining software. First we need to download the compatible mining software for SmartCash.
After downloading the files we extract them. I chose to extract them in desktop so that I can easily access them when I need them.
Step 3: Using the mining software
CCminer command
Create start.bat file in this directory
ccminer -a keccak -o stratum+tcp:// -u SMARTCASHADDRESS.WorkerName -p x
SGminer command
Create start.bat file in this directory
sgminer-x64 -k keccak -o stratum+tcp:// -u SMARTCASHADDRESS.WorkerName -p x
Claymore 11 (Dual mining)
Create start.bat file in the Claymore folder
setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 timeout /t 5 taskkill -t -f /im EthDcrMiner64.exe taskkill -t -f /im ethminer.exe EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal YOURETHADDRESS.WorkerName -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal YOURSMARTCASHADDRESS.WorkerName -dpsw x -dcoin keccak -allpools 1
try to run start.bat
Here are some useful link